Tuesday, March 01, 2005

"Play Dough" recipe

I thought I’d share this. It’s been a huge hit around here. Warning, this makes A LOT of “playdough”, but can be easily scaled:

3 cups of flour
1 ½ cups of salt
3 cups of water
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of cream of tartar (found in the spice section of the grocery store)
1 pkg unsweetened drink mix (ala Kool-Aid)

Step 1:
Put all of the ingredients together in the saucepan.

Step 2:
Mix together all of the ingredients

Step 3:
Cook over medium heat until the dough starts forming a ball (this will be like the biggest batch of scrambled eggs you’ve ever made!)

Step 4:
Remove from heat and let the dough cool until you can handle it comfortably.

Step 5:
Knead the play dough until it is smooth and even.

Store the playdough in a plastic bag or air tight container. If it ever starts to dry out (it is more stable than the store bought stuff), just add a little water, knead again and it’s good as new. The color can be pretty dull so you may want to add some food coloring (unless your child is allergic of course) to brighten it up. I’ve noticed that my local Food Lion is carrying “hot” food coloring. So you can make your dough neon pink, neon, green…blue…yellow.

This is also a great way to teach kids basic kitchen skills.


The Faith Expedition said...

Hi Alli...welcome to the 'Family'. It's so awesome to meet new christians here in blogging world. There are many, many sites posted by amazing christians with encouraging and insightful things to say. God bless you as you juggle family, faith and yourself.

Alli said...

Thank you very much :)!