I had gotten up Sunday morning thinking that we would not be going to church since my husband and I had stayed up late the night before, talking. After I remembered that I could attend the 10:15 service I thought we might try that. Then I felt badly because the kids wouldn’t get their Sunday school and neither would I. I suddenly found myself getting ready for church. It was like something in me…hmmm I wonder who that was… took over and made the decision for me. I’m so glad we went. The thought of missing any part of church left me with a very uncomfortable feeling.
I missed the first 20 minutes of the sermon, but was able to catch that on the webcast last night. The link is in the title of this blog. Pam’s husband delivered the sermon since Pastor Rob in on vacation. It was a wonderful sermon that really dealt with the basics. It was titled “It’s About Worship” He listed several things that “it’s” not about and then listed what it is about…Worship. At the end of the sermon, a song was sung that really got to me. The lyrics are:
Jesus draw me close, closer Lord to you.
Let the world around me fade away
Jesus draw me close, closer Lord to you.
For I desire to worship and obey.
I’m still singing it today. The thought of voice lessons keeps coming into my head too!!
I talked with a gentleman from the church today to find out what is required to join the church. There’s really nothing to it…yay. So on April 3rd, the kids and I will be joining The Donelson Fellowship. I feel so excited about that. I thought that I would have to visit many churches to find the right place for us, but I honestly don’t see the point. I was called to this church through homeschooling, then bible study and now worship service and Sunday school. It seems very clear to me that we belong at this church. Although, it just dawned on me, I might need to find out specifics of the free will Baptist faith.
A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool. – Proverbs 17:10 (NLT)
14 years ago
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